Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lawyer Hiroshi Watanabe's Letter to Solicit Abduction & Confinement

Hiroshi WATANABE is a lawyer in Japan.  He is a Secretary General of Anti Unification Church Organization called "National Network of Lawyers Against Spirit Sales". 

It was revealed that the lawyer sends out letters to the parents of the Unification Church members, requesting parents to consult the lawyer by prompting parents’ fear and anxiety. 

Then Watanabe introduces deprogrammers or Christian ministers to parents when they contact him.  He is not involved with kidnapping, nor confinement.  Upon the child’s successful withdrawal from the church as a result of forcible deprogramming, he works to claim the refund of the donations that the member offered during his/her time at the church, and he demands commission on the amount of the sucessfull refund.

If Watanabe is a lawyer working for anti-Unification Church, he should know the Jason Scott case (1995) and the fate of CAN in the USA.  CAN (Cult Awareness Network) was ordered by court to pay $1 million punitive compensation to Jason Scott, a deprogramming victim as CAN introduced a deprogrammer (Rick Ross) to his mother.  As a result, CAN declared bankruptcy. 
(Reference URL: )

Isn’t Watanabe's act same as CANs'?  CAN introduced a deprogrammer to Jason Scott’s mother.  Watanabe also introduces deprogrammers to parents.  If Watanabe acted in the USA, his life as a lawyer would have ceased long time ago.  However, the lawyer has been committing the same act as CAN’s in Japan without having any disciplinary punishment.

This series of articles will reveal the acts of Hiroshi Watanabe based on the evidences from his victims. 

Sachiko’s Story:

In Nov. 2008, Sachiko’s parents received a letter from the lawyer, Hiroshi Watanabe.  (Sachiko was a member of the Unification Church at that time, but later she left the church voluntarily.)

The letter says, “Your daughter has been involved with the Unification Church activities.  Your daughter can never leave the Unification Church by herself for the rest of her life.  You, as parents of Sachiko need to rescue your daughter.  In order to do so, please consult me without letting Sachiko know about this.”

The following is the full text of the letter, sent to Sachiko’s parents in Nov. 2008.
Hiroshi Watanabe - Lawyer
Tamura-Cho Law Office
Suite 601, Level 6
3-2-1 Nishi-Shinbashi
Minato-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03 3431 4488
Fax: 03 3431 4481

Nov 14, 2008
Dear Parents of Sachiko,

I am a lawyer (Reg. No. 21736), member of Daini Tokyo Bar Association (Phone: 03-3581-2255).  I’m writing to you in regards to your daughter, Sachiko.

Recently a young lady who left a cult religious group called Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Unification Church) notified us that your daughter, Sachiko has joined the Unification Church.

I have worked for the victims of the Spirit Sales organized by the Unification Church for 19 years, and I’m a secretary general of “National Network of Lawyers Against Spirit Sales”.  I have started website called “The reality of Spirit Sales”, and I’m giving free advice to people.

The Unification Church is a religious organization founded by Korean Sun Myung Moon.  They recruit people by saying “Our good fortune teller can tell your future.”, or “Now is your turning point.  Learning at our center guides you to better way for the future.”  They hide they are from a religious organization, and take people to their “Video Center” in order to indoctrinate them into the church teachings.

After the indoctrination is completed, they reveal that they are the Unification Church and that the founder is Sun Myung Moon.  After they become members of the Unification Church, they will be ordered to do the same to recruit other people or students.

There are many older people who were robbed of more than 100 Million Dollars just by one person as donations.

Sachiko was approached by the church in the way as above, and now she is recruiting others by hiding the church name.

To fall in love with a man is forbidden.  After enough successful recruiting activity, they are allowed to attend the church mass wedding ceremony, and at the ceremony a female believer is matched with a male believer by the founder, Sun Myung Moon.  Then afterwards, they are allowed to start the married life with permission.

At the moment, the church is sending female believers to Korea.  The church makes Japanese female believers marry older Korean men living in remote farm villages who didn’t have chances to marry.  Or they are forced to marry with those who are handicapped, suffering mental problem, last stage of cancer, or bankrupt without job who hardly has have chances to marry.  Already 6000 Japanese female believers were sent to Korea in this way, and almost of all marriages failed and Japanese wives are spending miserable lives.  Some receives domestic violence.

Also children born from the church couples are taught the church doctrine, and the children believe in the founder, Sun Myung Moon.  It will cause the serious problems not only one generation, but two or three generations.

If Sachiko stays in the Unification church, it is impossible to get out of the church by herself.  It is important for you as Sachiko’s parents to understand the reality of the cult group and to consult Christian ministers or myself who have more knowledge in this issue in order to have a plan to rescue your daughter from the cult.

And please never let Sachiko know that you received a letter from me and that you are aware that Sachiko is in the Unification Church. Also please don’t question Sachiko regarding this issue.  By doing so, you make Sachiko get involved with the group deeper and deeper, and it becomes more difficult to rescue her from the Unification Church.

I wait for your contact with me without letting Sachiko know.
Again, please never talk to Sachiko in regards to this letter and the Unification Church.  I want you to understand the reality of the Unification Church and to rescue Sachiko as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,
Hiroshi Watanabe
Tamura-Cho Law Office

In Feb. 2009 (3 months after the letter was delivered), Sachiko stated  as follows:
(Reference URL: )

It seems my parents were extremely frightened by the letter as the contents of the letter caused great fear.

The letter contained exaggerated information and distorted untruth.  It repeated many times not to let me be aware of the letter, and it urged my parents to rescue me.

My father opened the letter.  After he read it, he passed it on to my mother, by saying, “Contact Sachiko.”  My mother contacted me before she read carefully.  Later my sister pointed out that the letter said “not to question me”.
When I heard that such letter was delivered, I thought this was their tactics for kidnapping and confinement.  I felt fear and disgusted.

Though the lawyer Watanabe used the words “to rescue me”, I felt like that my will was not respected.

He should have contacted me to give me some advice before approaching my parents.  He should let me think and decide what to do according to his advice.

Nevertheless, the lawyer Watanabe tried to control my will to the way how he believed in by using my parents.  I felt like I was abused, not to be rescued.
There is a question why the lawyer knew my parents’ address which the letter was sent to.  I’m sure that I know the young lady who informed the lawyer of my information.  However, I never told her my parents’ address.  I was frightened how he found out my parents’ address.
Is a lawyer allowed to do such a thing?  I felt frightened to imagine what would happen to me If my parents consulted the lawyer. 

I honestly spoke to my parents (after the letter was delivered) that I had faith in the Unification Church, and my parents understood.  I appreciated my parents because they trusted me and respected my will even though they knew the various bad rumors about the Unification Church.

In April 2010, Sachiko bravely requested the Daini Tokyo Bar Association to take disciplinary proceedings against the lawyer, Hiroshi Watanabe. 

On Sep 14, 2010 the Bar Association decided not to discipline the lawyer. 

However, the lawyer and his group were extremely terrified by the evidences presented by Sachiko. 

In this series of articles, I will show the evidence that terrified the lawyer.  The evidence will prove the link between the lawyer’s letter and abduction and confinement for deprogramming purpose. 

Also Sachiko was unfairly treated during the proceedings by the disciplinary committee.  The details of the unfairness will be covered in this series later on.

As of Dec 2009, another 7 similar letters from this lawyer were found.  One of the letters was sent to the husband of a lady who was involved with the Unification Church.(Ref: )

Ken’s Story:

In April 2011, 2 years and 5 months later after Sachiko’s parents received the letter, a similar letter was delivered to Ken’s parents.  Even after the Sachiko's disciplinary proceedings in 2010,  the lawyer did not stop sending such letters.

It was hand-delivered by an anti cult activist.  The content of the letter is almost identical to the letter to Sachiko’s parents.  The letter was designed (same as the letter in Sachiko's case) to cause fear and anxiety to Ken’s parents, and requested parents to consult the lawyer without letting him know in order to rescue him.  I will also write about the middle aged anti-cult activist later on in this series. 

Here's a letter delivered to Ken’s parents.
Hiroshi Watanabe - Lawyer
Tamura-Cho Law Office
Suite 601, Level 6
3-2-1 Nishi-Shinbashi
Minato-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03 3431 4488
Fax: 03 3431 4481
Feb 22, 2011

Dear Parents of

I am a lawyer (Reg. No. 21736), member of Daini Tokyo Bar Association (Phone: 03-3581-2255).  I’m writing to you in regards to your son, Ken.

Recently a man notified us that your son, Ken has joined a cultic religious movement called the Unification Church (Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), and that he has been engaged with its recruiting activity by hiding the real identity of the organization.  Therefore, I’ve decided to write to you.

According to the man, Ken was approached by a Unification Church member who hided he was from the Unification Church around 2 years ago.  Ken was taken to the Unification Church’s Video Center called MYF (re-named to Original Garden), and he was indoctrinated into the teachings of the Unification Church while the name of the church was hidden.  Ken belongs to Musashino Unification Church in Western Tokyo District.

Ken is involved with cleaning activity in Kichijouji Station area, or acting in a skit called “Umeboshi (pickled plum) Man” in kindergarten as a member of volunteer organization called “New Hope Youth (=Original Garden)” which is a front organization of the Unification Church.      

I have worked for the victims of the Spirit Sales organized by the Unification Church for 20 years, and I’m a secretary general of “National Network of Lawyers Against Spirit Sales”.  I have started website called “The reality of Spirit Sales”, and I’m giving free advice to people.

The Unification Church is a religious organization founded by Korean Sun Myung Moon.  They recruit people by saying “Our good fortune teller can tell your future.”, or “Now is your turning point.  Learning at our center guides you to better way for the future.”  They hide they are from a religious organization, and take people to their “Video Center” in order to indoctrinate them into the church teachings.

After the indoctrination is completed, they reveal that they are the Unification Church and that the founder is Sun Myung Moon.  After they become members of the Unification Church, they will be ordered to do the same to recruit other people or students.

There are many older people who were robbed of more than 20 or 30 Million Dollars just by one person as donations.

Man in the church is forbidden to fall in love with a woman.  After enough successful recruiting activity, they are allowed to attend the church mass wedding ceremony, and at the ceremony a male believer is matched with a female believer by the founder, Sun Myung Moon.  Then afterwards, they are allowed to start the married life with permission.

If Ken continues to stay in the Unification church, it is almost impossible to get out of the church by himself.  It is important for you as Ken’s parents to understand the reality of the cult group and to consult with Christian ministers or myself who have more knowledge in this issue in order to have a plan to rescue your son from the cult.

And please never let Ken know that you received a letter from me and that you are aware that Ken is in the Unification Church.

Also please don’t question Ken regarding this issue.  By doing so, you make Ken get involved with the group deeper and deeper, and it becomes more difficult to rescue him from the Unification Church.

I wait for your contact with me without letting Ken know.

Again, please never talk to Ken in regards to this letter and the Unification Church.  I want you to understand the reality of the Unification Church and to rescue Ken as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,
Hiroshi Watanabe
Tamura-Cho Law Office

The messenger boy (actually a middle aged man) who delivered the letter repeatedly asked Ken's mother not to let Ken aware of this letter.   

At later time, the man called Ken’s mother and urged Ken's mother to consult the lawyer. Ken's mother replied, “I will consult another lawyer if necessary.”

Similarities in the Letters

Same flow of the contexts

These 2 letters are almost identical in the flow of the contexts.

  1. Your son/daughter joined the Unification Church
  2. Causing fear and anxiety to parents
  3. Impossible to get out of the group by oneself for the rest of the life
  4. Never let him/her be aware of this letter
  5. Consult me 
Asking repeatedly "not to let your child know"

The author of the letter, Hiroshi Watanabe emphatically repeated four times in different words in the letter“not to let their child know about this".  However, it looks like things sometimes didn’t go as the lawyer expected.  Some wise parents contacted their children instead of the lawyer.

The messenger boy who delivered the letter to Ken's mother urged Ken's mother not to let Ken aware of this letter.

Lies, Exaggerations and Untruth to frighten parents

There are many lies, exaggerations in the letter to make parents frightened.  I show one of examples here.

The lawyers said, "it is impossible to get out of the church by herself". Watanabe added one word in the letter to Ken's parents, and changed to, "It is almost impossible......"

Around 3,000 members left the church as results of forcible deprogramming.  The number of the Unification Church members who left the church voluntarily is far more than that. What the lawyer writes is totally untrue.

The Letter's Purpose:  
    The ultimate purpose of the letter is to let parents to contact the lawyer.

    Then what would happen if the parents consult the lawyer? The parents are referred to Christian Ministers (Deprogrammers), and parents are pushed to conclude that there's no other way "to rescue their child" other than to undergo forcible deprogramming. Then they prepare for the X-day to carry out to abduct and confine their child.

    However, you may think that the link between the lawyer's letter and actual abduction may not be proved. What would you think if a victim testifies that he/she was abducted and confined after his/her parents consulted the lawyer. - To be continued -  


    Information source:
    Mr. Kazuhiro Yonemoto is an author of a book tilted "Our Unpleasant Neighbors

    This artilce can be read in Japanese on my Japanese blog.


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